One Year Weight Goal

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One Year Weight GoalIt’s been one year since I stood on my scale and had finally reached my ultimate weight loss goal of 175 pounds!  Life has been very good since I lost 185 pounds.  For the last year, I’ve been able to keep my weight between 175 and 180 consistently.  People said I wouldn’t be able to loose the weight.  People said once I lost the weight, I’d simply gain it back.  People telling me I can’t do something is my greatest motivator.  Just like when I was told I would never make it in the military in 1994.  Not only did I make it, I left with honors and awards 😀

While my heart problems haven’t gotten any better.  Thanks to the weight loss they haven’t gotten any worse and I still function very well at work and at home.

My knee problems have lessened as I no longer have to carry the extra weight around.  Though at some point I will need to get my knee replaced.  I just can’t afford a 6-8 week recovery time.  I can still perform my work duties just fine.

My osteoarthritis isn’t as bad as it was when I was heavier.  I get injections quarterly in my knee and my wrists only bother me in humid or very cold weather.  I have a prescription ointment that I use for that, but it’s not often at all.

The best part is I don’t feel old most days.  I have way more energy than I’ve had in decades.  Life is pretty awesome for having been through so many things in the past.

I also see things differently now that I don’t eat junk food regularly.  I’ve found much healthier alternative ways to eat my every day foods I’ve always enjoyed.  Without losing any of the enjoyment!  Learning to be a good cook and healthy baker has been fun!

To those who don’t think Keto is a healthy way to live, I completely understand.  This is why I was never fully Keto.  I’m Cyclical Keto.  I still eat everything I love and enjoy.  I just re-arranged when I eat them.  Add in daily fasting of 12 hours from 10pm to noon.  I find I don’t lack any nutrients and there’s always vitamin supplements if you think you’re missing something important in your daily intake.  I’m living proof that what I do works and all my doctors praise my efforts.  Yes, willpower is very much key to succeeding.

The only side effect I don’t understand is why I’m more popular now.  I’m still me.  Does physical looks really matter so much?

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